Dremometer Z/SE torque wrench


Dremome­ter has a guar­an­teed con­trolled and safe screw tight­en­ing in al­most any in­stal­la­tion sit­u­a­tion – re­gard­less of where you ap­ply the force. The user-friendly de­sign pre­vents un­in­ten­tional ad­just­ment of the torque fig­ure. Max­i­mum pre­ci­sion, dura­bil­ity and re­li­a­bil­ity – even with high con­stant use – are the trade­marks of our clas­sic.

Dremometer Z / SE torque wrenches from Gedore have a square drive and an integrated ratchet for extra control. Torque wrenches in the Z/SE-series have been developed with a replaceable head and a “push-button” release. Dremometer Z and SE torque wrenches make a clicking sound when the desired torque is reached.


Features and benefits

  • Classified to DIN EN ISO 6789:2003.
  • Guar­an­teed pre­ci­sion of ± 3% on the scale set torque
  • Full-metal con­struc­tion makes ensuring that Dremometer series are robust

Features and benefits

  • Classified to DIN EN ISO 6789:2003.
  • Guar­an­teed pre­ci­sion of ± 3% on the scale set torque
  • Full-metal con­struc­tion makes ensuring that Dremometer series are robust