Specialists for hire within bolting and flange work
kNm Hydraulikk have specialists within bolting and flange work that are available at short notice.
kNm Hydraulikk have a number of highly experienced consultants that are experts in the field of bolting and flange work. Our consultants can be made available at short notice for project work, both offshore and onshore.
Our consultants are a mixture of supervisors and mechanics, all having extensive experience with flange work on offshore installations and onshore facilities. We ensure that the consultants have certifications according to the requirements needed for the project.
Our consultants are multi-skilled in their profession. An engineer representing kNm will be able to perform several offshore and onshore disciplines.

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Our employees have extensive experience with flange work on both offshore and onshore installations.
At kNm we strive to use consultants that are multi-skilled in their profession. An engineer representing kNm will be able to perform several different disciplines. For instance, a service engineer who is primarily educated to work as a scaffolder can also carry other competencies such as a fitter, rigger, welder or mechanic.